It was already a reasonably stressful day. It was the typical “my job is stressing me so bad that my body has developed an auto-immune skin eating disorder” kind of day. So when I had heard that a potential tornado wiped through a number of boroughs in New York City I was in a reasonably foul mood and really didn’t care. Then while sitting at my desk at work I began thinking about the numerous people I know that could have been adversely affected by the storm and started making calls. Fortunately everyone was fine… all was hunky dory and I could proceed whining about how awful my day was.
Later that evening while leaving work I asked my brother and his girlfriend if they could poke their heads around the corner and check on my truck which was parked next to the Maria Hernandez Park. I figured I’d be better off knowing if, on the off chance, a rogue storm took a personal interest in destroying what was left of my day. He said he would and I hopped cheerfully onto the subway. Previous to the storm entering the day’s equation I was planning on seeing what was sure to be an amazing concert by the great NYC band BILE but after exiting the subway I received a sinister IM from my brother that simply said “CALL ME”. “CALL ME” wasn’t “EVERYTHING IS FINE”. That may be stating the obvious but that’s exactly what went through my head when I read it. So… being the ever obedient older brother (I’ll repeat that: ever obedient OLDER brother.) I called and this is what I was told, “Your truck is under a tree and next to a house that is going to collapse.” So I skipped the BILE show to go save what was left of my truck.
What I found when I finally got to my truck was exactly what had been described. My truck under a tree and next to a house that was going to collapse. All of this of course was only a MINOR mess compared to the obliterated vehicles around me and a totally devastated Maria Hernandez Park which was littered with husks of trees that I’m sure, only moments ago, were having a perfectly fine day. THE GOOD news, if any could be had…. the truck and car surrounding my truck had both been obliterated. Crushed (that, by the way, is BAD news). The house next to my truck had its roof ripped off and the front was crumbling (also BAD news, for those wondering). Horrible things for sure but when the trees were cleared… unbelievably enough, there was not even a scratch on my truck (the umm.. the GOOD news). The End. How was your day?
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