Tag: gut review
Avant Music News – Chvad SB “GUT” (2013)
“Gut” is the original soundtrack to an indie movie about some very disturbing videos and their devastating effect on the two very middle-class friends who watch them. In a wonderfully low-budget backstory, Chvad SB is said to have sat himself down in front of the television with the film on and sweated his way through…
Slashers Starlets and Sleaze – Chvad SB “GUT” (2013)
Indie Flix: Gut (2012) GUT is a study of the obsession and hypersexualization of horror and violence. Tom is bored with his work-a-day life and is trying desperately to change it. Tom is wishy washy and afraid to do anything to change the status quo in any of his relationships. He has grown cold toward…
Space Jockey Reviews – Chvad SB “GUT” (2012)
How much (or how little) does it take to push you to the extremes of who you are? How many unknown places within yourself still exist? How much might you be deluding yourself answering those questions now, taking too much credit for being “normal”? How much of your “gut” feeling is really correct? GUT, the…
Ravage Webzine – Chvad SB “GUT” (2013)
Translated from Dutch: The film GUT (2012) is about two friends Tom and Dan who seem to have a fascination for horror films. Both work in the same office, have lunch together, make the occasional joke and drink every now and then a beer while enjoying a bloody film. At one point, Dan has a…
icareviews – Chvad SB “GUT” (2013)
Gut is a study of two friends, nondescript Tom (Jason Vail) and nerdy Dan (Nicholas Wilder), who have known each other from adolescence and now work together in stultifying office jobs. Tom has graduated to conventional domesticity, with an attractive wife (Sarah Schoofs) and child, while Dan appears to be charmingly stuck in goofy immaturity,…
Horror Smorgasbord – Chvad “GUT” (2013)
So when I first heard about this film and watched the trailer I got a sense of the film but really didn’t know what to expect. I even made sure to shy away from reviews as to not spoil the film for me. Now this is an indie film and I am not sure about…